Monday, August 11, 2008

Cairo and the Nile Cruise

We met our group leader and the two other gentlemen we will travel with for the next couple of days. We will have a fifth person join us for the Nile Cruise, and then everyone else will join the tour after that. Once everyone is there, we will have about 30 people on the tour. One of the men we met for this portion of the trip is a Lutheran pastor from Colorado and his brother-in-law is a doctor from Tennessee. They seem very friendly and it should be fun to travel with them. Our group leader's name is Tommy and he has already been very helpful. Our guide's name is Shereen, and she will be filling our minds with the history of Egypt.

We started our first day together by driving to the Coptic churches, and arrived during their Sunday mass. It is similar in many ways to the Greek Orthodox Church, but they still distinguish themselves as the Egyptian Orthodox Church and have a pope of their own. We saw the hanging church, which is a church that was built on wooden boards laid across the gap between two towers. When you walk inside, there are a couple of places where they have clear glass in the floor so you can see there is nothing underneath you.

After tours exploring Memphis and Sakara the following day, we flew south to Luxor to join our cruise boat. We were met by Mohamed, who would be our guide for the duration of the cruise and our numerous stops at various temples and tombs.


CassieU said...

it's good to hear from you. Glad to hear things are going well and historically formative. I miss you.

Anonymous said...

Nice that you have a small group for the cruise. You can ease in to the larger group.

Candi said...

Absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad you are meeting such cool people to go along with all the scenery/history.