Saturday, November 1, 2008


I made a bad typo and spelled medieval terribly wrong...which has now been fixed...I hate it when I do that! Anyway, go back and read the whole blog now, because I’m sure that typo ruined the whole experience last time you read it...

Also, I forgot to mention two veryveryvery important events that took place while we were with the Garbers. The first occurred on October 18th. This marked the halfway point of our trip, and by halfway I mean, of course, that we had completed half of the trip and had half of it yet to go... We celebrated with Wolfgang and Julie in our hotel room with a glass of wine and later in the evening, a genuine German puppet show! And by genuine I mean nothing of the sort. This particular puppet show was...interesting...we’ll leave it at that. I will say that I will be laughing for years to come every time I think of it!

The second event took place on October 19th when we celebrated the birthday of my sister, Rebecca. She is now 22. And we are most happy. A couple of the neighbors came over and we had cake...Mmmm! Rebecca was also presented with a delightful birthday present (no, not the ring). It was an adorable mini Christmas carousel and I, because my birthday is in 7 months, got one as well! Even better!

Okay, moving get a new post...lucky you!


Jason Todd said...

Hello my friend,
your pictures look Awesome!!
Have a great time !!!!!


Susanna Johnson said...


As the Queen, how could you spell medieval incorrectly?? I'm mortified. ;)

And, I can't believe you actually went to HSM3. OMG, Liz.