Sunday, April 26, 2009

Whistle While You Work!

This week we were back to work at the clinic. In addition to sorting and organizing the medications, we have also started helping counting dosages and preparing stuff! Between sorting, counting, pouring, labeling, and the like, we’ve met a few more people this week. One of them is the doctor that will start working at the clinic in May. I assume he’ll be taking Jared’s place, since he’s returning to the States pretty soon. We were also introduced to some more students from the Spanish School and joined a group for a night of dancing on Friday night. Our group consisted of 4 from Nicaragua, 1 from France, 1 from Canada, and the two of us. The eight of us piled into a taxi and went down to a place right next to the lake. Rebecca was the “belle of the ball” and “wowed” everyone with her superior Latin Dancing skills. I attempted to keep a low profile and avoid being asked... :) I was forced to dance at one point, much to my chagrin.

On Saturday morning, we went on a canopy tour on the Mombacho volano...I’m pretty sure that one’s inactive, though. This consisted of climbing ladders, swinging through trees, and a terrifying drop at the end. The road to the coffee farm where we got our gear was bumpy enough to rival some of the roads I’ve been on elsewhere, so it was no huge surprise to find that our poor truck had two flat tires when we returned. The company sent another truck, but in the meantime, our little group set forth to meet it. The walk was actually really nice and we got to see some wildlife along the way (don’t worry, folks...the monkey was waaaaayyyyy up in the tree). Our guide also stopped to show us a spectacular view of Granada, Lake Nicaragua, and its 300 some odd islands! From so far up, the islands look like one long peninsula instead of the numerous individual islands that they are.

Sunday morning we ate a big breakfast, after which Xavier and Susanna invited us to go with them to Catarina. Catarina is a town with a lovely view of the Laguna de Apoyo. We weren’t disappointed...the scenery was fantastic and the wind was incredibly refreshing. I even got a “windy picture.” Rebecca and I did a little shopping there as well. The prices were better than in Granada, and we managed to get some things we’d been looking for. The bad flipflop broke. Those flipflops have tread many a path and been my friends through a great many countires. I shall miss them...a moment of silence, please.

Thank you.


pifaith said...

Can't wait to see your pictures. Sounds like you had some nice views and a lot of fun over the weekend. "Swinging through trees!" Reminiscent of Camp Redcloud. Have fun and stay safe.

CassieU said...

not THE flip flop....well, as much as you have worn them, i guess it was due eh? WHY in the world were you avoiding dancing?...i'm perplexed! (merangue lessons are going wonderfully..we really missed you gals last week, if you can believe it...THERE weren't enough girls for once..we had like 3 guys sitting out each rotation!

Zac and Brook Halford said...

Shoes carry so much more than just the person, but the memories too. That is why I love shoes so much...well, one reason. It sounds like you guys are having just as much fun as in Europe.