Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fin de Semana

Well, it's Saturday, which means more venders, more crowds, more hassle. Umm, I prefer shopping during the week all things considered. We're pretty much hanging out big plans other than exploring a bit more of the city. Everyone here is gearing up for Easter Sunday. A couple of times each day a group comes by carrying a "float" of sorts with Jesus carrying the cross, and another of Mary. Yesterday, a group of private school students followed, singing and praying. They stop at various houses and everyone on the street comes to their doorways and watches. It's quite the event here!!! Last night, there was a band preceding the float of Jesus and they stopped at our place (well, next door where the people we're renting from live- Xavier and Susanna). We're enjoying the relaxing pace so far, although I'm sure things will get busier once we start our classes next week.


pifaith said...

How interesting to see how they commemorate this time of year. Look forward to the pictures.

CassieU said...

glad you are getting to relax. nice change of pace!

Zac and Brook Halford said...

I bet it will be quite the experience to see Easter celebrations there and I cannot wait to hear about them!

pifaith said...

Yikes! I just found out that Nicaragua has monkeys. Tell me it isn't so.

CassieU said...

yo le pierdo

CassieU said...