Monday, May 4, 2009

Let me set the record straight...

Apparently I've caused much concern over my disinterest in dancing here. There are a few reasons I've chosen not to participate. One of them is that while they do have ballroom dancing, quite a bit of it is sort-of doing your own thing, following the guy, but free-dance style. I'm not one for improvisation in front of people. Secondly, the dancing here is a lot of hips and shoulders, which I'm less comfortable doing. But most importantly, I don't mind too much dancing with someone I know or someone a friend recommends, but then other people ask you to dance and I find dancing with complete strangers like that uncomfortable. Therefore, I have chosen to watch and enjoy, but avoid dancing myself. I hope that answers the concerns... :)


CassieU said...

completely understood, ie, we'd be in the same boat if i were there with you....smiles....

Susanna Johnson said...

haha. I wouldn't.

CassieU said...

yeah, sanna, i remember brasil....

Susanna Johnson said...

happy birthday!!!