Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Pics


CassieU said...

the 3rd pic from the bottom reminds me of the place we went to in India with the 12 stations of the Cross....and again. Your pics are soooo great. I LOVE IT! and it was nice chatting the other day. makes me very happy.

Zac and Brook Halford said...

I am so glad that you had fun! The pictures look so familiar! The turkish food is wonderful, but I admit that I like the tea much more than the coffee because of the graininess of it. I am glad that you both went to the bazaar...that was fun, but it is stressful!

Anonymous said...

Turkish delight? Like Edmund had in Narnia? Who was serving it? Better be careful!

CassieU said...

that's an affirmative for beignete day again...berfday weekend sounds good to me!

Your mom was sooo wonderful and hospitable!!! she's great.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!

Ashley Metzger said...

Thanks! We can't wait until we get to see you again either! Your pictures are once again amazing by the way =)