Sunday, July 20, 2008

Get Set...

Goodbyes are hard and this has been the week of goodbyes.  Whenever a goodbye approaches, everyone avoids it, searching for something else to say in order to put off the inevitable.  Now, on the one hand, 6 months isn't really that long.  At the end of it, it will seem to have flown by. On the other hand, it's 6x as long as I've ever been away.  I think that tonight was the first time it really sunk in that I'm leaving in the morning and I really can't pinpoint exactly how I feel about it...excited, nervous, nauseous...  I think it's less that I'm leaving and more that I don't know precisely what to expect that has me so agitated.  We've been packing and cleaning frantically the last few days while enjoying very little sleep so I haven't had much of a chance to actually think about everything.  There is always something else to do and as soon as I get to the end of my list (yes, I do actually have a to-do list), several items are added.  I think in some ways it will be a relief to get on the plane tomorrow and know that there isn't anything else I can do to get ready.  I don't know if I am ready, but ready or not, right?  Anyway, this is actually happening and it's happening in about 7 hours, so I think it's about time I at least attempt to sleep.  Until next time...

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